Dr. Alan Cohen-SpeakerBuilding Great Relationships
Relationships are a journey to where you want to go with another person. Great relationships are developed.
9 keys to finding a good partner:
- Great relationships are natural. Refuse to accept relationships that hurt you in any way. If it feels too good to be true it is good enough.
You get what you let. Willingness to receive. Let it flow.
Search for the beloved is a search for self. You must be whole to attract a whole person into your life.
Before you can "know" your souldmate, you must know your soul. Would you marry yourself?
Relationships are a journey and are fluid.
Ending a relationship does not equal failure. It ended, graduated. You gathered data during that relationship. You are wiser now. You build relationship consciousness over a lifetime. It eventually breaks through and you meet someone.
Realness rocks. Don't compromise who you are. If they don't like you "oh well".- Your essence is what people fall in love with. Who are you? Looks don't matter like essence matters. Essence is deeper than personality.
Be a love finder rather than a love seeker. Be loving. Walk in a field of love and let people catch "peace" from your essence.
Your heart always knows. Go where you are valued. Work with those who are willing. Don't push yourself into places you aren't appreciated.
Pat Rodgast-Emmanuel
Be patient, be kind, and you will heal. Be gentle on yourself.
Light a candle for yourself. Baby yourself. Hold ceremony for yourself.
Don't let fear edit your wisdom.
Be who you really are~eternal and perfect love.
Music is a faithful form of communication.
"What do you want?" versus "Who do you think you are?"
Bodily pains relate to spiritual issues-back pain=symbolically backing away from trouibles. Fear of death is held in the knees.
Never compare~everyone is unique
Individuality makes your life significant~you are divine.
You are never separated from your source~God.
Deepok Chopra-Happiness
Scientists have found that your heart cells actually do have the ability to think, feel compassion, etc. This is why you literally feel emotion in your heart.
Ultimately all goals are of a spiritual nature.
People often have stipulations about being happy, when actually the opposite is the reality...if you are happy, you will likely get all you want.
U.S. ranks low in overall happiness.
Your brain set point defines happiness. Creative people see brighter side.
Meditation wil change set point for happiness.
As for cognitve therapy, you are holding onto an idea that is limiting you-release it.